So, you'll notice some numbers above people's heads. Below you'll find links to the few students who decided they wanted to show you a little more about themselves than just what's in this picture. Feel free to browse the blogs and websites of the following:
1) Luke Kruse
2) Stephen P. James
3) Noah Arntson
4) Stuart Livingston
5) Bruce Wang
6) Stephanie Ramirez
7) Arlynne Ramirez
8) Joanna Salinas
9) Max Shuster
10) Michelle Boukhanian
Not Pictured:
Debora Arroyo and Arlinda Miller.
I had a pleasure teaching and learning with you all. I hope I opened some minds and assisted in the killing of trees in the name of art. For all those graduating, the real learning starts now. For those still in school, enjoy it and make sure you get everything you can out of it now.
It's still up in the air if I'll return in the Fall...it just depends on my regular day gig schedule. But, I'm sure it's not the last time I'll see any of you...see you on the other side.