okay...I've been back from Comic-Con for a week and I'd say I'm decompressed by now. But, to recap, it was a success in terms of awareness. Every kid that stopped by our booth...parents included were in love. See yourself...

We even had a few tyrannical children make their parents stay until the ENTIRE episode was finished. Good times :) But, the main reason i was there (and also the main reason not too many pictures were taken this year) was to promote our panel, which was held on Saturday night (of all times). I wanna give a shot out to J-NAUGHTY for making that happen...and all in all, given our time slot we still mangaged to get a decent turn-out. Thanks to everybody that came, laughed, and supported...

Soooooooo...just this passed Saturday I spoke on an animation panel at the OBS (Organization of Black Screenwriters). I talked a lil bit about my experience, possible methods of getting projects made independently, and just vibe with my people for a bit about the medium...

I finally realized that panels would be a good time draw a captivated audience :) ...

As if I don't draw enough, I went to a church picnic on Sunday and decided to do FREE CARICATURES for anybody who DARED step to me :) ... yes, i said, FREE...because anybody that knows me professionally KNOWS I don't do FREESTYLES, homie. But, hey, it's for Jesus :) So why not?... ironically, the first person that steps up was a COP by day and DEACON on Sunday ;) That's pretty brave if I do say so myself. Anywho, I was way out of practice...but, it was fun to entertain and see the reaction on peoples faces. That meant alot. Here's some highlights from the day ;)

oooo...that volleyball is wonky...eh...next time, Tiger ;)

this kid said he liked to draw...

Yes...she actually requested to be a cheerleader (bad picture on this one)...head a lil wonky...but, her friends were clownin' and said she had a "tomato head" anyway (shrug)

this lady said she wanted to be a cross between Beyonce and Janet Jackson. You be the judge ^_^

(sigh) and to think...it all happens all over again today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and next week, and...
See ya'll in a minute.
Labels: Announcements, caricature, portraiture