Tuesday, December 18, 2007

American Gangster w/Bobby SEALS

I'm a lil late with this post since the album dropped 'how long ago?'
This was done for work back in June...but, it won't be on screen for very long so I guess this is from me to you... La Heim.

and just because, here's some seals on a post-it:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Girl Power

quick sketch before the glasshouse.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Electric Relaxation

What's good ya'll?

Trust me, I'm still alive and still picking up pencils and wacom pens trying to act like I know what the hell I'm doing. Someday soon, somebody's going to call me out for the sham that I am.

Reminder to self: post more personal drawings to remind yourself and others who you really are.

Here's a few excerpts from my "Rendering Sketchbook." I have 3 sketchbooks running right now: Narrative Sketchbook, Rendering Sketchbook, and Freestyle Sketchbook. This one is canson, pretty small, almost pocket size. Mostly bic ball point w/white pencil for highlights and the occasional spray mounted newsprint with conte or prisma stick.

Rendering has been this cool way for me to calm down and meditate after I get home and finish the 15 other freelance jobs. I grab reference from black magazines mostly because when I look at these great blogs, sadly, I don't see any black people on them. I don't even care who the people are when I grab the reference either...I'm just looking for good lighting, and interesting faces and compositions.

EDIT: this is from life from Tuesday's workshop at work. 10 minutes with Blue Col-Erase on Animation Paper.