Outside of work at 6PH studios, I've been helping a few folks with what we like to call "Adult Animation". hehe. Loaded with controversy, as seen on
www.coldhardflash is a project I've been involved with for a minute entitled, AKUMI. It's created by a my good friends at
www.primalinstinctpro.com. Read the "comments" on coldhardflash, and if you can, when the server isn't crashing, watch the film. I'm assisting on the boards and some direction.
www.ogmasterkush.com is a hot new property circulating around Tinseltown as a I type. Created by Drue Young and Andrew Todd, MASTER KUSH, is one of a few projects on the rise championing Adult Animated content. Yours truly contributed 90% of the storyboards that are in the final film. The other 10% was handled by the overseas studio for pick-up shots that needed last minute changes. If you know what KUSH is, you'll get it. If you don't...then...you just don't.